Mr Blank Toys: I’ll Be Bach

As I promised on Instagram I am releasing the preview images of one of my newest bootleg art figure creations for Mr Blank Toys the much anticipated “I’ll Be Bach” figure aka the Terminator/Johann Sebastian Bach mashup!

This all started when Dain Marx aka Buzzard Guts toy company (On Instagram here: @damarxtoys) said I should go ahead and post pics of a figure I had finished. But I was waiting for a better time cause I figured everyone was too busy with Xmas and anyways I wanted to release the figure when once I actually cast the figure. But since Festivus was coming up I figured it would be a nice surprise to preview it today.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Festivus Contest on my Instagram! For the last few days I’ve been posting “Hints”, letting people guess as to what and who the character might be and if they guessed right I would send them a free Mr Blank Toys Prize Pack. It started a week ago when I began posting pictures of the Piano Gun. Next I began posting detail pics of the packaging art:

I created this idea as a meme in photoshop a long time ago, not saying I was the first of course, but I did do one of the best photoshopped versions of the mashup (I don’t mean to brag, but I am pretty good with Photoshop) that I’ve been able to find.

In searching to see if anyone had already created this idea as a figure I found an interesting article on the Illogicopedia site ( The article says that the Bach Terminator was model T2000 but in my research I found discrepancies so I decided to name the figure the T1750 to to commemorate the human Bach’s death in year 1750, no one is sure when the T1750 was created until now…

For the Image: I used a Terminator movie poster image, and a picture of the JS Bach painting by E G Haussmann (circa 1746) manipulating them both in photoshop until I had the image:

For the Figure: I used a 2015 Terminator 2 Judgement Day Reaction 7-800 figure put out by Super7/Funko toy company. First thing I did was cut the top portion of the head off and sculpted a Bach-esque powdered wig onto the Arnold Schwarzenegger looking face using Apoxie Sculpt two part modeling compound. Once that was hardened I painted the chest and wrist cuff white to give it that classical composer look, and added a wash of white and black to the hair to match the color from the image as close as possible:

Finally I decided it’d be cool to do a weapons of choice mashup and I created a Keyboard Gun as an accessory to the figure… (since first posting these images I’ve decided to call it a “Keyboard Gun” instead since Bach was an Organist), here is a picture of the front and back:


And then with a little creative packaging this is what it all looks like:


I haven’t cast the figure yet so it will still be a bit before these are actually available, but if you would like to get a copy message me and once they are ready I’ll let you know. It will be a very limited edition run and may not ever be available again once it sells out.

Anyways, that was a fun little contest! Our winner is “NEKOSATSU_TOYS” another really cool toy designer. You can follow nekosatsu_toys on instagram here: They will be receiving a Mr Blank Toys Prize Pack that includes a copy of the “I’ll Be Bach” figure once it is ready and a little something extra that I am currently working on here in the studio (it’s a secret that nekosatsu_toys will be the first to see). A few runners up, people who were so close I feel compelled to send them something cool as well: bayou_dragon on Instagram, and Amalia Lillios, Chris Ofthelivingdead, Rolf Evan Cunningham, Jennifer Mcgaha, and Dave Dykes on FB just cause I liked some of their guesses!

If you want to follow me on Instagram go here:


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