Mr Blank Toys: Zombooger

If you are following me on Instagram you will already know that the “Zombooger” art toy figure is the newest release from Mr Blank Toys. This is the first figure in a series of characters called “The Crustious Boogers” that are The California Raisins figurines customized as famous people and characters from pop culture. The first is a zombie, but I have a few more in the works too… Coming Soon!

To get started I purchased a bag full of California Raisins off of ebay:

Then, for the Zombooger figure I carved the face into an exposed-skull zombie face using clay carving tools that I heated up over a candle fire. This is what the figure looked like before (right) and after (left), notice the blackness from the plastic burning:

Once the carving was done I painted it booger colors:

My first packaging idea was to do a 6″x9″ card back that featured a picture of a movie zombie, but in the end I wanted a simple basic packaging that was small and compact, like you would find in a real store. I may still use the original packaging idea for a more “gallery” style setup but for now I’m going with simple. Here’s the original packaging:

Once I was happy with the figure concept prototype, I needed to make a mold and cast copies of it in resin. For this process I headed on down to the local craft store and bought some Amazing Mold Rubber and Amazing Casting Resin (“Amazing” is the brand of the materials not what I thought of them). This was my first time actually molding something I made so I didn’t really know what I was doing. I watched a bunch of Youtube videos on the topic first and when I thought I knew what to do good enough, I gave it a shot. Here’s a video of the molding process:

Once I had it molded I cast 10 copies of the figure out of white resin and painted five of them based on the original prototype:

In the end I think the figure came out just as I hoped. Even though I am not 100% happy with the molding rubber and casting resin I used, it still came out great.

I have more resin and mold rubber being shipped soon (from Smooth-On), and when that gets here I plan on molding and casting some other figures I have ready. Now that I have the Pressure Pot they should come out even better.

The “Zombooger” is a limited edition 2″ resin figure. Carded on a 4″x6″ store display card. I only made a total of 10 for the first run, 5 of them I left unpainted in white resin (“ghost” variant) and 5 of them I painted (labeled “original”). They are Now Available from our Shop. More figures from the “The Crustious Boogers” series will be available soon… Upcoming: Mucky McFly, Loogie Armstrong, Frank Snotra, Sneezy E, Phlemmy, David Boogie, Snot Lebowski, Gene Sniffons, Schnozsquatch, and one as-of-yet unnamed… So stay tuned!



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