Category: Frank The Dancing Dog

I Registered To Vote Today

Yes, I registered to vote today. I think today was the deadline (see the ELECTIONS AND VOTER REGISTRATION CALENDAR here:, If you want to register to go here: I’m not sure how I feel about it though because I do not have faith in the political system we have set up in this country! But […]

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Today is Day One of the bus cleanup, the inside! The brakes seem to be working, but we found more problems in the back so we couldn’t fully bleed the system like we had hoped to get done today. Good news is that the brakes in the back are rotors and pads too, not drum […]

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More Skull Bus Paintings COMING SOON

It’s been almost a month since I posted my last SOLD Skull Bus painting. I should have posted this one already but I’ve been offline lately due to the death of my best friend: “Frank The Dancing Dog”. He was my best friend for the last 12+ years, going on many adventures with me during […]

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