Category: Uncategorized

There goes another Skull Bus painting… More to come!

I posted this painting the other day on FB with a sad story of how I had to smash the cute little heads of two tiny mice with a hammer… And Cindy Pendley told me that after hearing the story she just had to have this one, Lol! So that’s the third one SOLD, wow […]

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Another Skull Bus Painting SOLD!

I mentioned this painting last night on FB, but it wasn’t until today that Tiffany Robison Poucher could come by to pick it up… And since she wanted it to be a surprise I held off from posting a pic until today… Tiffany saw one of the other paints I had finished and said that it looked […]

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First “Skull Bus” Painting SOLD!

I’ve given art pieces away to friends many times, and I have even more pieces tucked away in boxes in storage that no one has hardly ever seen… But this is probably one of the first times I’ve actually sold an original piece of painted art. I sold the first one of my “Skull Bus” […]

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Hello… Helloooo…. Is there anybody out there… hearing, or seeing this message? If you are then that means that I have my new website open and working correctly. If you are seeing this message from Facebook, then I really got it set up right!!! For a long time now I have been using FB as […]

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